How does Osteopathy work?

Osteopathy is an internationally recognised, manual medicine and is based on principles from embryology, anatomy, physiology, pathology and neurology. Manual means that we treat our clients with our hands. We do not use equipment or medication. During the treatment we influence the mobility of muscles, joints and membranes, and we improve circulation.


After their training to become a physiotherapist, the osteopaths of the Life is Motion Osteopathy Practice followed a training to become an osteopath. An important aspect of this programme are the safety procedures that ensure that we examine and treat your body safely. If it turns out during examination that we cannot find the cause of your problem(s), then we refer you to the general practitioner.

We tackle the cause of the pain

The objective of Osteopathy is finding and treating the cause of the problems. We consider the body as a whole. Problems arise if something is wrong with the mobility of certain parts of our body.
Humans have three motion systems:

  • The locomotor apparatus (parietal system) that is made up of: joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments
  • The organ system (visceral system) that is made up of: organs, membranes, blood vessels and the lymphatic system
  • The craniosacral system: the relationship between skull, sacrum, cerebral membrane and spinal cord membrane

These systems are balanced in a healthy body. Nevertheless, something can happen in every human life that upsets the balance. For example: scars caused by surgery, pain or stiffness after a fall or accident, overburdening, childbirth, stress. These are all events that may lead to loss of movement in one or several systems, which may cause great problems for you.

The body back in balance

Because the three systems work together, the cause of a backache can, for example, be in an entirely different area: in the intestines or in the reduced mobility of a knee or ankle. We treat the cause of the problem so that the body can regain its balance, and the pain disappears.

Osteopathy can be the solution for many physical problems.

Pain and symptoms in adults and adolescents:

Neck pain, Headache, Migraine, Hyperventilation, Shoulder problems, (Recurring) tennis elbow, RSI (neck, head and shoulder problems), Fibromyalgia, Migraine, Tinnitus, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Back pains, Symptoms after a whiplash, Stomach problems, Heartburn, Painful ribs, Stomach ache, Bowel problems, irritable bowel, Constipation, Pelvic problems/pelvic instability, Menstrual problems, Incontinence, Bladder or uterus prolapse, Problems during pregnancy, Problems after childbirth, Gynaecological symptoms, such as pain during intercourse and fertility problems, Knee problems, Ankle problems, Heel spur, (Recurring) sports injuries of foot or ankle, for example, Recurring sinusitis, Chronic fatigue, Concentration problems

Symptoms in babies and children:

Reflux, Colic, Over-stretching, Preferred posture, Flattening of the skull, Problems with breastfeeding or bottle drinking, Trouble sleeping, Concentration problems, Stomach ache, Constipation, Bedwetting, Growing pains